Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

+ 1,000 Harry Chapin

This is one of the best of his, Mr. Tanner by Harry Chapin......go listen NOW!

But music was his life, it was not his livelihood,
and it made it feel so happy and it made him feel so good.
He sang from his heart and sang from his soul.
He did not know how well he sang, it just made him whole.

Still, I am still unemployed. I usually wake up at 10am to get my day started. Today I am starting with the unusual cup of instant coffee and listening to Harry Chapin on the turntable while Anne enjoys the sunshine outside. I grew up listening to Harry Chapin. I grew up on deep music like this and so my expectations of music become more and more strange as I grow up.

Growing up, my mom and brother and I would sit in the kitchen and listen to Harry Chapin and I would try to get my mind around his intense lyrics.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

-5 New Motel Logos

I blinked and then every motel in the US got a new logo. When did this happen? Was it like some sort of "lets ruin all the motel logos at once" contract?


Thursday, September 4, 2008

-8 Off Brand Imitation Cheese

Note to self:
NEVER buy any perishable food item that has 99cents as their main appeal

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

-3 Coffee and Cigarettes

Movies have been made, phrases have been penned but I am still unimpressed.

Coffee tastes like an half-smoked cigarette that you relight after you decide your not ready to "cut back."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

8 Vinyl Records

The last couple of Friday nights my friend has talked me into moving my hermit ass to the patio.

We drag out the turntable, a stack of records, comfy chairs and a cooler full of beer. Within a matter of seconds the patio is turned into a mix between grandmas living room and a dive bar. As we chain smoke, we ponder the most important questions of life. "If you were to kill yourself, how would you do it?" and "Based on musical value, who is better, Simon and Garfunkel or The Beatles?".

We choose our favorite record from my small collection, slide out the heavy disk and set the needle to #1. And while we listen our minds drift off. Nothing matters, time stops and I am happy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

9 but closer to 10- Old graphics

New stuff is cool, really cool. But, for historical reasons, old graphics are super neato.

Watching Battlestar Galactica gave me a new appreciation for this, as well as watching some of the music videos from the 80's. I want new thing, new stuff, new developments in art-but please let me savor the classics.